About Us

Who We Are?

“We believe that transformational improvements to the state of health and wellbeing in America is not only possible, we believe it is straightforward. By focusing on the youth today, we can instill long term healthy habits, “bending the curve” of health issues for future decades. To accomplish this, we’ve integrated existing, proven technologies and collaborators, and married them with some of HealthCompass’ proprietary magic. This results in educating and improving students' near-term health, while establishing the foundation for a life-time of healthy living.

Ensuring these benefits are made available to all, especially those who are currently marginalized, is key to our organization's mission. As a passionate, purpose driven organization, we regularly prioritize outcomes over our bottomline.”
Michael Wong
Founder, HealthCompass Technologies 

We’re a different kind of healthcare technology company.

Our Vision

Our vision is to lead the way in providing educational software solutions that are trusted by schools, parents, and students globally. We are committed to shaping a future where every child has access to top-tier educational resources in a secure and fair manner. By fostering a culture of lifelong learning and personal success, we aim to empower individuals to lead enriched and fulfilling lives

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower young minds with holistic health engagement tools that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We are dedicated to empowering educational institutions and families with innovative software solutions that prioritize trust, security and equity. We are committed to creating a safer, more supportive environment where every individual can thrive academically, socially, and personally. Together, we envision a future where every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential

Core Values


We prioritize the security and privacy of user data, building transparent relationships with our customers, partners, and stakeholders based on trust and integrity


We believe in promoting equity in education, ensuring that our software solutions are accessible, affordable, and relevant for students of all backgrounds and abilities


We are dedicated to providing dependable and reliable software solutions that our customers can trust to meet their educational, engagement, health and wellness needs consistently


We are committed to excellence, continuously improving our products to enhance learning and healthcare outcomes, empowering students to reach their full potential


We embrace innovation in all aspects of our work, seeking new ways to enhance the educational experience and drive positive change in students healthcare and academics


“Collaborating with HealthCompass has been instrumental in elevating the usage of our telemedicine solutions. Not only has it enabled us to penetrate new markets, but it has also facilitated the establishment of enduring relationships. Through this collaboration, we've unlocked opportunities for growth and innovation, ultimately enhancing the reach and impact of our services.”
John Lufburrow
Chief Revenue Officer
Revive Health
"We were excited to partner with Health Compass to provide expanded health resources to our student community. The collaboration has been thoughtful and intentional at each stage of the process; we anticipate a long future of working together to continually enhance our support or well-being on our campus."
Eva Chatterjee-Sutton
Vice President of Student Life & Dean of Students
Washington & Jefferson College